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Sub: Constitution of Committee for the conduct of Physical Standard Test, Endurance Test and Physical Efficiency Test for the recruitment of PSI,(KSISF) (Men, Women & Transgender) including Inservice (NKK) (63 posts)- reg.

Ref: Notification No. 10 /Rect-2 2021-22, dated: 10.02.2022.

Pursuant to notification cited at reference recruitment process to fill up vacancies of PSI, (KSISF) (Men, Women & Transgender) including Inservice (NKK) (63) posts has been initiated. The conduct of Physical Standard Test, Endurance Test and Physical Efficiency Test for the eligible candidates for selection to the post PSI (KSISF) is scheduled to commence from 25.05.2022. Candidates details and other instructions will be given by office of the Director General of Police (Recruitment). Bengaluru.

In order to the conduct of PST, ET & PET the following officers are related at the following centers.

The Sub Committees shall meet, inspect venues, enlist the required human resource and equipment for the above test including ground preparation and be in a state of complete preparedness so that on the appointed dates the tests are commenced. To avoid the candidates going out of running track while running is in progress, the track should be fenced with a long rope and expenditure can be met from office expenses. Detailed instructions on the conduct of PST, ET & PET will follow.

None of the above officers shall leave headquarters during the conduct of Endurance Test and Physical Standard Test without permission from Director General & Inspector General of Police. Similarly, no changes in the constitution of the Sub-committees shall be effected without the approval of Director General & Inspector General of Police.

Covid Instructions: Please ensure that required social distancing is maintained throughout the process. Mask and sanitizers are to be made mandatory. Temperature check for candidates and staff has to be done at the entrance gate without fail.
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